Monday, November 17, 2008


It didn't really amaze me, but it made me proud, when the women all stood up for each other to fight against the men. The police were trying to arrest the women because they thought that would possibly put down the protest. However, when they tried to arrest Lysistrata, Kleonike came to her rescue. When they tried to arrest both of them, Myrrhine stepped up to help. When they tried to arrest all three of those women, Ismenia stepped up to the rescue. This says alot of the bond of women, sisterhood. These women took an oath together, and promised to stick it out and fight this protest together. Is is excellent how they stood up for one another and fought together. This is a true bond of sisterhood. They all stepped up to fight for the honor, safety, and freedom of the text woman, and they were all ready to go down together, but not without a fight. Other than all of the other very evident themes of Lysistrata, sisterhood is one of the themes that you have look deeply to recognize, and it's most important to note that it is one of the most essential and important themes of the play. This is because it has alot to do with how and why the women abided by the oath the whole time (even it just was one day).

1 comment:

Aliyya said...

I also really appreciate the bond that the women shared. They stood up for what they knew was right despite the harassment of the men. Lysistrata explained to the women how they had to flock together like birds,keep their formation in order to accomplish the mission at hand.Good job ladies, they demonstrated the power of a woman.