Monday, November 17, 2008

Then and Now

There are many things that occur in Lysistrata that still occur today. One of which is the men's reactions to the women's protest. Now-a-days when women are disobedient or out-of-hand, in some cases, men feel that hitting, beating them will shut them up and set them straight. It probably doesn't happen as much as it did back in Lysistrata's time, but it certainly still does happen. The men also didn't like the abstinance protest, so they wanted to rape the women. This is still evident today. There are wives who make their husbands mad, girls who upset their boyfriends, and ladies to refuse sex to a stranger, and the men would rape them to get what they want and to get compliance from the women.
It's crazy, to me, how this play reflects current issues in an older day and age using very relevant issues, such as war (Iraq for example).

1 comment:

Aliyya said...

Lysistrata does very much so relate to the times of today. Men are still very aggressive at times and refuse to see women for their true beauty and value. The men in the place viewed their women as objects just like some men see women today. It is a shame to see how society has not progressed but instead worsened. The music today that objectifies women and the vidoes that portray women as sexual objects is tragic. It is going to take us women making some sacrifies and changed however, if we will want to change the way men treat us!