Monday, November 17, 2008

Two-faced women or desperate housewives?

I found it funny that, around page 70 in Lysistrata, the women start to slip away from Lysistrata. It seems to me that they are lying thier way out of the protest to run home and have sex with thier husbands. I hear so many men say that women are two-faced, sneaky, kniving, and liars. I think this play kind of made that true, but it's ambiguous because we don't really know if the women are leaving to really go home and take care of the house or if they are leaving to get away from the protest and to their husbands. Lysistrata said, "I've lost my grip on the girls - they're mad for men! But sly - they slip out in droves. (70)" She goes on to state how she saw two of the girls sneaking away in a very sneaky way (and brought one back) lol and how she one girl "just flat out deserted (70)." After Lysistrata said this, the First Woman came in and gave a stupid excuse of, moths are going to destroy some good wool she has at home, to get away. Then, the second and third woman came out and gave just as stupid excuses to leave. Lysistrata didn't let any of them leave because she knew what was really going on.
Does these women's actions just prove guys right? Are women really that sneaky, sly, kniving, and liars? It's crazy to me that this story seems to be proving the point that women are strong and powerful, but these actions completely contradict that.

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