Monday, November 17, 2008

Sex = important? needed? desired?

I feel that this play really brings the importance of sex, in human nature, to the light. So many people see sex as something shameful, something that shouldn't be openly talked about. I was never this way. It is something natural to human nature in my opinion. Not just the act, but the feelings and results of the act. It can be an act of love and passion, and it brings children into this world, which is something beautiful and wonderful. I like the way Lysistrata opening talks about sex and expresses the desire for it within the men and women of the play.
This desire was most evident, in the women, when Lysistrata proposed using abstinance as a protest of the war, to bring the men home. Before Lysistrata told the women what the protest was, they were all ready to join it and participate to the fullest. They were ready to give thier lives and limbs. However, when Lysistrata said the they would refrain from sex as the protest, all the women changed their minds. It seemed that they needed sex in their lives. In those days, childbearing and husband-wife intimacy was a big thing and a woman's role. Sex was too important to these women for them to give it up in protest.
I believe that this importance of sex in the play was a mirror of the importance of sex now-a-days. Even though, it is not openly discussed anymore, people still feel that it is a need.


Aliyya said...

I agree that sex is a beautiful, awesome act when shared between a husband and wife. We are sexual beings there is no denying that. However, when sex is not shared in the right manner the way God wants us to, sex can be destructive. Sex can break hearts and create unhealthy bonds between people that should not be maintained. We live in a sexual society and althoug sex is not shameful, it should be sacred,honored and respected in a marriage.

Rose said...

i think this is a good point. Lysistrata is really good at demonstrating how sex is an important part of who we are and the relationships we share - it is an act of love. and especially today i think that men are seen as being the ones who really want sex, but lysistrata, as you pointed out, shows that sex is important and wanted by women as well.