Monday, November 17, 2008

Men are always weak

If you really pay attention to the play, you'll see that the men were weak from the beginning. It would seem that they are just weak at the end, when they do what the women say (make peace), but they were weak all along. In the beginning of the play, the Chorus of Men retreated from the rath of the women. At first, they tried to stand their ground, but they eventually backed down from the women. It's almost like they ran away, scared. This is a sign of weakness, in my opinion. I kind of figured the men would give in and do what the women wanted them to do because of this retreat early in the story. If they can't stand their ground, keep their word, and fight back against the women to start with, they can't outlast the women in this protest.

1 comment:

Aliyya said...

I agree with you baby girl. Like seriously the men were unable to work together in order to resist the women. They were furious that their wives were not allowing them to have sex with them but were too weak to protest or do anything about it. The women showed their true power and the men revealed their weakness.