Monday, October 27, 2008

I hate Aunt Julie

I really hate Aunt Julie. She just proves the stereotype that men and society have set for women. I mean, it's cool in all that she wants to help people and be motherly. It's in human/women nature to be motherly (most of the time), but she takes it to the extreme. She feels like her life is nothing without having a "child" (someone to care for). When Tesman gets married, she is cool because she still has her sister to care for, but when her sister dies, Juliana just felt that her life was over. Just because she didn't have a "chilld" (someone to care for) she felt that she had no reason to live. In Act Four, she bascially said that she was just going to sit around and wait for another helpless, unfortunate person to come around so that her life will have meaning. It makes me sick to think that a wonderful woman, such as herself, couldn't just live a happy life knowing that she gave her tender, love, and care to George to Rina. It's time, in my opinion, for her to just settle down, "retire from being a stereotypic mother," and just chill out for the rest of her life.

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