Monday, October 27, 2008

So How Did Lovborg Really Die?

Well, it seems a little ambiguous how Lovborg died, and I would love to hear what everyone thinks about that. I personally think he shot himself, honestly. He may have wanted to look like he didn't, but he probably did. However, it does seem rather likely that Madam Diana killed him because Judge Brack's story of Lovborg's death makes sense. Speaking of Judge Brack, doesn't it seem kind of wierd that he seems to know everything about the death of Lovborg? He's not a detective, so why is he so informed? Could it be that he is the one who actually killed Lovborg? Who knows???? I want to hear what you guys have to say about this.

Was Hedda really pregnant?

So, all throughout the book, it was hinted that Hedda was pregnant. It started when George was being all excited about Hedda body "filling out." That normally happens when a woman is pregnant or going through puberty, which I'm sure Hedda has already done LOL. It continues all those times when Aunt Julie says that Hedda has something to tell George. So, was Hedda really pregnant or was she just getting thick? Was Aunt Julie's instinct right, or was she just wrongly assuming? IDK...I really want to know though because if she was, that was OC of her to kill herself and never tell anyone about the baby or anything. And if she was, why didn't she acknowledge that?

Aunt Julie vs. Hedda

If I were Aunt Julie, I would straight call Hedda out for a boxing match. Let her had insulted my new hat right in front of me. That was so rude of Hedda. Hedda knew good and well that the hat on the sofa was Miss Tesman's, but she tried to pretend that she thought it was Berta's hat. She just downright insulted the hat. She said it was ugly and all that, bascially. Miss Tesman went out of her way to get that hat just to please Hedda, then Hedda had the nerve to insult it. Miss Tesman handled that situation way better than I would have. She a good one. Miss Tesman just said that her hat was cute and new, and that she liked it. I would have snapped on Hedda. I have much respect for Miss Tesman because of this.

I hate Aunt Julie

I really hate Aunt Julie. She just proves the stereotype that men and society have set for women. I mean, it's cool in all that she wants to help people and be motherly. It's in human/women nature to be motherly (most of the time), but she takes it to the extreme. She feels like her life is nothing without having a "child" (someone to care for). When Tesman gets married, she is cool because she still has her sister to care for, but when her sister dies, Juliana just felt that her life was over. Just because she didn't have a "chilld" (someone to care for) she felt that she had no reason to live. In Act Four, she bascially said that she was just going to sit around and wait for another helpless, unfortunate person to come around so that her life will have meaning. It makes me sick to think that a wonderful woman, such as herself, couldn't just live a happy life knowing that she gave her tender, love, and care to George to Rina. It's time, in my opinion, for her to just settle down, "retire from being a stereotypic mother," and just chill out for the rest of her life.

Jealousy is crazy

I just don't understand why someone would be jealous. Jealousy is pointless. It changes nothing and just makes the jealous person miserable. This is clearly seen with Hedda. She somewhat stresses over the fact that Lovborg and Thea have a relationship going. Hedda spends a lot of time being rude to Thea, I think, because she is jealous of Thea. This is ridiculous. Hedda gets Lovborg to drink again because that was one of the things Thea had got him to stop doing. In addition, I believe that Hedda burned Lovborg's manuscript because she knew Thea helped him write it. What do you think about that? LOL She's jealous. That's funny.


What the H-e-double hockey sticks is wrong with Thea. She acts like a push over (kind of like George). She clearly sees that Hedda is up to no good sometimes, yet she gives in to Hedda's power. George doesn't seem to notice, but she does. So George's lack of actions against Hedda is understandable. Thea clearly states that Hedda used to be very mean to her, yet she is still subsiding to Hedda power. If I was Thea, I would tell Hedda about herself, just let her have it!!! I can understand that Thea is a very conservative and quiet character, but she can be that way and still not tell Hedda everything she wants to know, when she wants to know it. Also, she whines alot. It made me so mad when Hedda was trying to get Lovborg to start drinking again by telling him what Thea told her, and Thea just sat there like..."no, stop, don't, Hedda why are you doing this." That made me just want to kick her. GOSH!!!! Stop whining, and do something about it.


Wow, so is Hedda like Adela or what? In "The House of Bernarda Alba" Adela killed herself because she thought that her power and freedom was stripped from her when Pepe "died." In comparison, Hedda killed herself in "Hedda Gabler" because she felt that her power was stripped from her when Judge Brack was able to blackmail her. (Now I may be wrong. So correct me if I am. I do believe Hedda killed herself for that reason, but it could also be that she didn't her secret about what happened with Lovborg to be revealed.) But, anyway do you guys agree that Hedda and Adela seem very similar in character? They do to me, and hey, it makes for a good World Lit Paper topic. Why is it that these women, Hedda in particular, feel that death (suicide) is a sufficient way to free themselves from the power of others?