Monday, November 17, 2008


So, it was really hard for my group to pinpoint the climax of the play, to do our presentation. With Ms. D's help, we thought that the climax is when peace is declared. I believe that this climax was very interesting due to they way peace was presented and how peace was declared.
First of all, the men were supposed to make peace with the Spartans. However, Lysistrata is the one who presented peace. This says alot about Lysistrata's character, but anyway...yeah so peace was presented by Lysistrata.
Secondly, peace was presented as a young girl. This is ironic because peace isn't human, it isn't an inanimate object, it's an idea. Lysistrata, a woman, presented another woman/girl as less than object, but as an idea.
Thirdly, the men saw peace as an object. They broke down the girl's body as if it were the land they were fighting over. This is shown when the narrator referrs to Kinesias' actions by saying that he was "surverying Peace [the girl] like a map as he addresses the Spartan. (105)" When the men begin to decide who gets what piece of land, they were choosing Peace's (the girl) body parts.
Lysistrata just stood back and watched this happen, and approved everything. This says alot about what the women/Lysistrata think about themselves and what the men think about the women. This shows that the men and women view the women as sexual objects. It's ridiculous!!!

1 comment:

Sanquan/Sangria/Sanquisha said...

Yes, it is rediculous. However, I like the author's use of Peace in order to demonstrate the different viewpoints of the men and women. Good Job!