Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jewel - Character Analysis

Jewel is one of the most significant characters in the novel, even though he only has one narration throughout the story. Jewel is the only of Addie’s children who has a different father than the rest. Jewel has a deep and inexpressible love for his mother. Jewel seems to have the most violent nature of all the Bundrens. However, he is not a Bundren because he is Addie’s son who was born from an adulterous affair between her and Reverend Whitfield. Jewel is a person who feels violently and can only express himself through acts of violence. Because of this, he is unable to express his love, for his mother, in any way except violence. Also, because of his violent nature, we only observe Jewel in symbols of violence, and mostly from the narration of other characters.
Jewel is unable to face any type of reality where his mother is concerned. He refuses to believe that she is dying, and he refuses to say the word “coffin” because it is a symbol of his mother’s death. As far as Darl is concerned, Jewel is this way because Jewel doesn’t know how to express his love, and he speaks with harshness so that he can cover up the fact that he can’t say the word “coffin”. Jewel’s deep and inexpressible love for his mother is constantly the basis of Darl’s taunting. Darl finds a delight in taunting, teasing, and antagonizing Jewel, possible because he can sense the deep-founded love between Jewel and Addie. He is possible Jewel of this relationship that Jewel and his mother share. He could also be jealous of the fact that Addie is more partial to Jewel; she shows favoritism to Jewel, moreso than her other children. She does things for Jewel in secret, even though she has always felt that deceit was one of the worst sins that could ever be committed. Despite her hatred of deceit, she does things secretly for Jewel, maybe because she feels that Jewel will be her salvation, which she states. She says that Jewel will save her from the water and from the fire, which he did. Jewel saved his mother’s coffin/body form the river and from the burning barn. Also, Jewel sells his horse, the symbol of his love for his mother, so that the funeral procession can continue. This is what made Jewel be Addie’s salvation.
Jewel’s relationship with his horse is one of the central ideas in the novel. Jewel acts with violence toward his horse, but beneath the violence there is a sense of deep devotion to the animal. Because Jewel is unable to express his love for his mother, he substitutes all of his deep-rooted, violent, but inexpressible love for his mother in his horse. For this reason, Darl taunted Jewel by saying that Jewel’s mother is a horse, indicating that Jewel devotes all the love he possesses for his mother on the horse. The horse is violent and untamed, and Addie thought Jewel was conceived in violence, which could make the horse be a symbol of the circumstances under which Jewel was conceived. This could also be the reason that Jewel expresses his love for his mother in terms of violence.